Railway Stations in Yueyang

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Yueyang Railway Station(ÔÀÑô»ð³µÕ¾¡ª¡ªyu¨¨ y¨¢ng hu¨¯ ch¨¥ zh¨¤n)
Yueyang Railway Station located in Zhanqian Road has daily trains to Beijing, Guangzhou, Changsha, Guilin, and Nanning. The Beijing-Guangzhou Railway Line passes by Yueyang, thus it is convenient for tourists traveling from Yueyang to the north or the south of China. It is located at the east end of Baling Road. Public buses No.5, 15, 17, 36 can take tourists to Yueyang Railway Station. In addition, there are many trains operating between Changsha and Yueyang in a day and the whole journey only takes about 1.5 hours.


Yueyang Railway Station
Ticket Info: 0086-730-3241122


Yueyang East Railway Station/High-speed Railway Station
Ticket Info: 0086-730-96020088 / 95105105


Miluo East Railway Station/High-speed Railway Station
Ticket Info: 0086-730-96020088 / 95105105

Source: yueyang.gov.cn; enghunan.gov.cn