Yueyang Tower District

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Area: 171 square kilometers
Population: 679,900 (2014)
Affiliated to: Yueyang City, Hunan Province, China
Area Code: 0730
Geological Location: Northeast of Hunan
Administrative Divisions: Yueyang Tower Street, Xitang Town and Kangwang Township, etc.
Administrative Level: Municipal district
Famous Attractions: Yueyang Tower, Yueyang Tower Park, Sanzui Pavilion
Climate: Subtropical monsoon
Zip Code: 414000
License Code: Xiang(Hunan) F

Yueyang Tower District (simplified Chinese: ÔÀÑôÂ¥Çø; traditional Chinese: ÔÀꖘDž^; pinyin: Yu¨¨y¨¢ngl¨®u q¨±) is one of three urban districts of Yueyang, Hunan province, China, named after the Yueyang Tower within its confines. It is situated on the southeastern (right) bank of the Yangtze River.

Chinese source: yueyang.gov.cn